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Kampgrounds of America

I started a thing

So a few Fridays ago I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a post from a anti-aging group that I had joined a few months ago.  The post mentioned a good opportunity in affiliated marketing.  I sat there for a few minutes and my intuition said reach out.  Well I sent a PM to my incredible friend for more information.  I was very surprised that by business NO start up fees, NO kits, FREE, and I was going to gain a ton of knowledge.  Next thing I know I had signed myself up to be a Brand Affiliate for NuSkin.  Its been a few weeks now and I feel like I am killing it!!  A few orders in already and I am so interested. It's funny how the universe can give you the signs of what's next.  I am very excited about this opportunity and I am ready to see where it can lead me!  Not only is 2024 starting out great so is my new decade of being in my 40's.  If you would like more information you can find my beauty page on Facebook and join @nuskinbybrandyvipbeautygroup

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It has been a minute

Wow life really does get away from a person when they are busy.  The kids have us running around like crazy with all of their activities they are in.  I recently had foot surgery so I have a nice fashionable boot that I get to wear. I decided it was time for a life change and after surgery I chose not to go back to work.  This is one of the things on my list I knew was needed in order to move onto the next step in life.  I have so many ideas running through my head and once I am out of this boot and able to walk on my feet normal it will be game on.  In the meantime I am enjoying movies, books, cuddles with the animals, taking notes, and spending more time with my family.  So with less stress in my life I am hoping to be able to start taking care of me.  I started working out this week, which is light duty since I am on restrictions but I am proud of myself to start it back up.  My TN is still out of control  we changed my meds around and the pain is still tough to deal with but my new normal is dealing with the pain so here i am managing what i have.  I started my you tube channel which has a few videos I uploaded doing different things in life, if you check it out comment and let me know what you think.  Its defiantly a work in progress kind of thing.  I added a few more recipes to Pinterest so enjoy those and some quotes that I have come up with.  Leave your comments and enjoy!

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Hello 2024

It's been a few months since I have posted.  To be honest I have been busy with kids activities, work, holidays, health, and just life.  Time gets away from us if we don't stop to smell the roses.  Heck, its now 2024 I think its time to do just that.  I am ready for that change.  Every year instead of making a News Years resolution, because lets be honest do they really work out, I choose a word of the year.  This year I chose the word HOPE, I wish I could say I thought long and hard about what to choose but honestly I am an intuition kind of person.  The word just popped in my head and I said yes that's the one.  For this word I will focus on it by visualizing my dreams, create a lists, and using it as my own personal motto.  I for one am excited to see what this year will bring and how it will work around my word of the year.  

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The Demon in my head

Today marks one year of the pain that I didn't know would change my life forever.  It started in the back of my head as a tingle-like feeling and on my eyebrows.  It almost felt like when your foot is asleep so every time I touched those spots it was annoying.  I had no idea what was going on or the diagnosis I would be getting in the weeks to come.  I didn't do anything different, it was actually the last day of fall break so we were around at the campground and home.  One slight tingle in my head turned into the worst types of pains.  After several doctors appointments and my MRI the news was I have Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Doesn't sound so bad right??  Well no actually it sucks!! They call it the most excruciating pain of man kind.  Did I mention it's called THE SUICIDE DISEASE!  There is NO CURE...meds can only help maintain the pains you get from it, when and if you find the right can help but not always...the list can go on and on.  No reason for why I got it.  So now what?  Well here I am a year later and still trying to figure it out.  So as you get to now be apart of this so called demon in my head welcome aboard!!

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Here we go

Well here I am writing my thoughts to whoever finds it interesting to read.  We have to start somewhere right?  I have no experience at this, I am just a wife and mom with a busy life.  So I jumped on the web created a website and started to type.  I am ready for that next step, that next challenge.  I have dreams that I want to create for my family.  So my first step is done I created a website!  Now the challenge has begun to keep writing so others can have an inspiration.  I will talk a little about what my dreams actually are and how to make them become a reality.  I will also have some fun with Pins I love clicking on Pins so why not create my own.  Want some random crazy videos that's exactly what you will get, be on the look out on Youtube for my first video where I talk about my hen and an egg she laid on for several weeks.  Will the egg be a baby chick?  I guess you will have to find out for yourself.  My next random talk will be about the demon in my head that decided to creep into my life almost a year ago.  For now enjoy my website, don't forget to follow me on Pinterest and Youtube!

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