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- Mission-

To enhance the lives of those with health conditions by educating and promoting products to make life easier.  As well as promote fun products that families will enjoy.



-My Story-


In this life we hit bumps in the road, climb mountains, drown, take curveballs, celebrate, meet people, lose people, and have so many experiences.  With every step we take we learn from that moment.  Sometimes its amazing and other times its not.  My life story isn't perfect.  Even as a child I had to take those moments and decide based upon how I wanted my future to be.  I thought I had it all laid out everything I wanted was exactly in my head the way I wanted my future to be.  I married the perfect guy, had the exact amount of children I had planned even twins which I had.  What no one told me was the challenges that would come with all of that.  Every time I thought we were getting ahead financially we would just make clear and get by. We had the emergency fund, the plan to pay off the debt, the dream to live the way we have always wanted. No one prepared me for the health issues that would come along: PCOS, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and other conditions stemming from those.  As the kids are into more sports and activities the cost increases.  This means I no longer can stay at home and it was time to get a job outside the home.  I love my job I am in my second year working but I need more.  I miss being at home, my job is to take care of the house, the kids, my husband, and myself since my health is needing attention.  Its time to take charge and see a change.  Welcome to my site Xtraordinary Bliss where I plan to create, dream, and make our life the way it should be.