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Published on 21 February 2024 at 19:11

Wow life really does get away from a person when they are busy.  The kids have us running around like crazy with all of their activities they are in.  I recently had foot surgery so I have a nice fashionable boot that I get to wear. I decided it was time for a life change and after surgery I chose not to go back to work.  This is one of the things on my list I knew was needed in order to move onto the next step in life.  I have so many ideas running through my head and once I am out of this boot and able to walk on my feet normal it will be game on.  In the meantime I am enjoying movies, books, cuddles with the animals, taking notes, and spending more time with my family.  So with less stress in my life I am hoping to be able to start taking care of me.  I started working out this week, which is light duty since I am on restrictions but I am proud of myself to start it back up.  My TN is still out of control  we changed my meds around and the pain is still tough to deal with but my new normal is dealing with the pain so here i am managing what i have.  I started my you tube channel which has a few videos I uploaded doing different things in life, if you check it out comment and let me know what you think.  Its defiantly a work in progress kind of thing.  I added a few more recipes to Pinterest so enjoy those and some quotes that I have come up with.  Leave your comments and enjoy!

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